
Originally Posted on December 1st, 2022

Last night I finally started work on a project that I have been wanting to begin for over a year now. And after many months of thought over what I would want my first photobook to encompass and the story it would tell, I arrived at the terminus of Dragonfly. Particularly important to me was choosing the right name and cover art for my work going forward on this project. I elected to let the cover art drive the book in both name and content.

The chosen photograph was taken in Sioux City, Iowa in May of this year. It was shot on an expired roll of Kodak gold 100 with my Konica T3n – 57mm f1.4 off a back alleyway of an old neighborhood. This photograph has long since stood out to me as one of my favorites and I think really embodies a very urban-scape artistic style that I have come to love as I continue to evolve through my photographic journey.

Dragonfly – Film Photography of the American Midwest, will be broken down into the following six-segments as I envision it currently. Skyscape, Cityscape, Urbanscape, Lakescape, Snowscape, and Portrait.

Please check back periodically for more information as I will provide updates throughout the project. I would love to hear any thoughts or advice from the photography community throughout this process as well, so feel free to reach out.


The Queen, Marathon, and the nearing Spring


Dragonfly Update